Tutorial Selenium

Explore the world of Selenium with our in-depth tutorial. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, our Selenium tutorial provides step-by-step guidance to enhance your automation skills. Join us for the best Tutorial Selenium experience!: Effective Element Locators and Automation Techniques

Tutorial Selenium: What is Selenium ?

Tutorial Selenium

Tutorial Selenium

  1. Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  2. Selenium Remote Control (RC).
  3. Web Driver.
  4. Selenium Grid.
  • WebDriver
  • It is a free and open-source web application automation tool, which performs the action on the Application by calling native methods of the browser.


  • It is an interface; it will be inheriting from the Search context interface.

Remote WebDriver

  • Remote WebDriver Class implements all the abstract methods of the both interface.
  • The browser specific class such as Firefox, Chrome driver, internet explorer driver, safari driver, extends Remote WebDriver class.

Launch Browser

Selenium offers powerful options through `ChromeOptions` and `EdgeOptions` that allow you to customize and optimize your test scenarios. 🛠️


// Create ChromeOptions instance
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();

// Add options
options.addArguments(“–start-maximized”); // Maximize the browser window
options.addArguments(“–disable-extensions”); // Disable browser extensions
options.addArguments(“–incognito”); // Launch in incognito mode

// Launch Chrome WebDriver with custom options
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);


// Create EdgeOptions instance
EdgeOptions options = new EdgeOptions();

// Add options
options.addArguments(“–start-maximized”); // Maximize the browser window
options.addArguments(“–disable-extensions”); // Disable browser extensions
options.addArguments(“–incognito”); // Launch in incognito mode

// Launch Edge WebDriver with custom options
WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver(options);

Use following code-

WebDriver driver=WebDriverManager.chromedriver().setup();
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addArguments(“- -remote-allow-origins=*”);
driver =new ChromeDriver(options);

Below Code for Launch a Chrome Browser:

For More details click on this link………………………………………..

What is the difference between close () & quit ()?

Close () – It is used to close the browser or page currently which is having the focus.s

Quit () – It is used to shut down the web driver instance or destroy the web driver instance (Close all the windows).

WebDriver Commands

Launch URL

  • Where appUrl is the website address to load. It is best to use a fully qualified URL.
  • Commanddriver.get(“URL”);

GetTitle ():

This method fetches the Title of the current page. Accepts nothing as a parameter and returns a String value.

Command – driver.getTitle();

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


String Title = driver.getTitle();


Get Current URL Command

  • getCurrentUrl () : String
  • This method fetches the string representing the Current URL which is opened in the browser. Accepts nothing as a parameter and returns a String value.

Command – driver.getCurrentTitle ();

Get Page Source Command

  • getPageSource (): String
  • This method returns the Source Code of the page. Accepts nothing as a parameter and returns a String value.

Command – driver.getPageSource ();

Browser Navigation Commands

  • We have 5 navigation methods, those are
  1. Back ()
  2. Forward ()
  3. Refresh ()
  4. Two overloaded ‘to’ methodsTo 

Click here for Learn Manual testing concepts


  • driver. navigate().to(“http://www.bing.com”);
  • driver. navigate().to(“http://www.gmail.com”);
  • driver. navigate().back();
  • driver.navigate ().refresh ();

“//we should pass name and value for cookie as parameters”
“// In this example we are passing, name=my cookie and value=123456789123”

Cookie name = new Cookie(“mycookie”, “123456789123”);

“// After adding the cookie we will check that by displaying all the cookies.”

Set<Cookie> cookiesList = driver.manage().getCookies();
for(Cookie getcookies :cookiesList) {
System.out.println(getcookies );

Delete cookie :

Cookie name = new Cookie(“cookie”, “1234”);

Delete all cookies


Locators In selenium 4

Relative Locators, were introduced in Selenium 4 to make it easier to locate elements based on their relationship with other elements. The primary methods in the RelativeLocator class include near(), above(), below(), toRightOf(), and toLeftOf().

1. Near:

The near() method is used to locate an element near another element.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(RelativeLocator.withTagName(“div”).near(referenceElement));

2. Above:

The above() method is used to locate an element above another element.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(RelativeLocator.withTagName(“div”).above(referenceElement));

3. Below:

The below() method is used to locate an element below another element.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(RelativeLocator.withTagName(“div”).below(referenceElement));

4. ToRightOf:

The toRightOf() method is used to locate an element to the right of another element.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(RelativeLocator.withTagName(“div”).toRightOf(referenceElement));

5. ToLeftOf:

The toLeftOf() method is used to locate an element to the left of another element.

WebElement element = driver.findElement(RelativeLocator.withTagName(“div”).toLeftOf(referenceElement));

It’s important to note that Relative Locators are specific to Selenium 4 and may not be available in earlier versions. Before using them, ensure that your Selenium WebDriver version is compatible with Selenium 4.


used to identify the location of the WebElement in the webpage

There are Eight type of locators are there

Sr NoMethod
6CSS Selectors()

There are two types:

Selenium Waits

In Selenium WebDriver, implicit wait, explicit wait, and fluent wait are mechanisms to manage the timing of interactions with web elements to handle synchronization issues. Here’s an explanation and example of each in Java:

1. Implicit Wait:

Implicit wait is set globally for the entire duration of the WebDriver object. It instructs the WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing a . It is set once and affects all subsequent find element calls.

2. Explicit Wait:

Explicit wait allows you to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. It is more specific than implicit wait and is applied to a particular element or condition.

3. Fluent Wait:

Fluent wait is similar to explicit wait but provides more flexibility. It allows you to define a custom polling strategy, ignoring specific exceptions, and waiting for a certain condition.

Launch a Chrome browser

To launch Chrome with Chrome options in Selenium using WebDriverManager in Java, you can use the following code. Ensure you have the WebDriverManager library added to your project:

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