Bug Life Cycle in Software Development

Exploring the Software Bug Life Cycle (SBLC) What is the Bug Life Cycle in Software Development? The Bug Life Cycle in Software Development is akin to addressing issues in computer programs. Initially, we identify a problem and inform the team. They then verify if it’s a genuine issue. If confirmed, they rectify it, similar to […]

What is the Bug Life Cycle in Software Development?

Phases of Software Bug Life Cycle:

Bug Defect Life Cycle

Let’s outline a typical Defect Life Cycle for a tester, along with examples at each stage:

1. New:

  • Description: The defect is identified and reported by the tester.
  • Example: A tester discovers a login button that doesn’t function when clicked.

2. Open:

  • Description: The development team receives and verifies the reported defect.
  • Example: Developers confirm the issue and assign it for further investigation.

3. Assigned:

  • Description: The defect is assigned to a developer to address the issue.
  • Example: Developer John is assigned to fix the non-functional login button.

4. In Progress:

  • Description: The developer starts working on fixing the defect.
  • Example: John begins investigating the code to identify and rectify the login button issue.

5. Fixed:

  • Description: The developer has implemented a fix for the defect.
  • Example: John updates the code, and now the login button works as intended.

6. Retest:

  • Description: The fixed defect is handed back to the tester for verification.
  • Example: The tester retests the login button functionality to ensure it is now working correctly.

7. Verified:

  • Description: The tester confirms that the defect is fixed and the solution is effective.
  • Example: The tester verifies that the login button now functions properly.

8. Closed:

  • Description: The defect is officially closed, and the status is updated.
  • Example: The testing team closes the defect, and the login button issue is considered resolved.

Additional Scenarios:

9. Reopened:

  • Description: If the defect reappears, it can be reopened for further investigation.
  • Example: Testers find that the login button issue resurfaces after a certain user action.

10. Deferred:

  • Description: Some defects might be postponed to be addressed in a future release.
  • Example: A low-priority defect might be deferred to the next software update.

This Defect Life Cycle ensures a systematic approach to identifying, fixing, and verifying issues in the software, fostering collaboration between testers and developers to deliver a high-quality product.

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