Top 50 Manual testing interview questions

Explore manual testing interview questions tailored for various experience levels – from freshers to those with 3 years or more. Dive into real-time examples and detailed answers for an in-depth understanding. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive guide covers the top 10 manual testing interview questions for experienced candidates, providing valuable […]

Explore manual testing interview questions tailored for various experience levels – from freshers to those with 3 years or more. Dive into real-time examples and detailed answers for an in-depth understanding. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive guide covers the top 10 manual testing interview questions for experienced candidates, providing valuable insights. Download our manual testing interview questions and answers PDF for a convenient resource. Elevate your manual testing skills with this blog, offering a focus on real-world scenarios and the importance of documentation in manual testing. Stay ahead in your software testing career with these invaluable insights.

1. What is Software Testing?

Ans: Software testing is like checking a program or application to find any mistakes in it. We want to see if the software matches what the system and business need or not.

2. What are the steps in STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)?

  1. Requirement Analysis: Get information about what needs to be tested and where to focus.
  2. Test Planning: Create a plan for testing, covering different types of tests.
  3. Test Case Development: Make, check, and adjust test cases and scripts.
  4. Environment Setup: Set up the testing conditions, including software and hardware.
  5. Test Execution: Carry out testing according to the plans and cases. Report bugs to the developers for fixing, and retest.
  6. Test Cycle Closure: The testing team meets to review and learn from the current cycle, identifying strategies for future cycles.

3. What is Agile Methodology?

In simple terms, Agile is a way of developing and testing software where the project is divided into smaller parts called ‘Iterations.’ Unlike the traditional Waterfall model, development and testing happen at the same time throughout the project’s life cycle. Each iteration lasts between 2 to 8 weeks, and at the end of each iteration, a working part of the software is delivered. Any features not delivered in one iteration are taken up in the next based on priority.

4. What is eXtreme Programming (XP) Agile Methodology?

eXtreme Programming (XP) is a technique that’s particularly useful when customer requirements are frequently changing or uncertain. It emphasizes releasing the product in short development cycles, improving productivity and providing opportunities to implement customer requirements efficiently. XP develops software with the customer in mind.

5. Levels in Software Testing?

  1. Unit Testing.
  2. Integration Testing.
  3. System Testing.
  4. Regression Testing.
  5. User Acceptance Testing.
  6. Pilot/Field Testing.
  7. Installation or Production Testing.

6. Types in Software Testing?

Black-Box Testing: The internal workings of an application need not be known.

Grey-Box Testing: Tester has full knowledge of the internal workings of the application.

White-Box Testing: The tester has limited knowledge of the internal workings of the application.

7. What is Smoke & Sanity testing?

Smoke Testing checks if the application launches successfully and if the GUI is responsive. For example, ensuring basic functions work without diving deep.

Sanity Testing is surface-level, where QA verifies all menus, functions, and commands to ensure they work fine in the product and project.

8. Difference between Defect Priority and Defect Severity?

Defect Priority is about scheduling, indicating how soon a bug should be fixed. Severity is about functionality, showing the seriousness of the defect on product functionality.


  • High severity low priority: Company logo issue.
  • High severity high priority: Submit button not working on login page.
  • Low severity high priority: Cosmetic error on login page.
  • Low severity low priority: Spelling mistakes on home screen.

9. What is a Bug?

A bug occurs when the actual result differs from the expected result during software testing. For instance, the application crashing when clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user.

10. Bug/Defect Life Cycle?

Top 50 Manual Testing Interview Questions & Answers

Manual testing interview questions

Tester discovers the defect, assigns it a “New” status, and forwards it to the Project Manager for analysis. The Project Manager determines the defect’s validity, marking it “Rejected” if deemed not genuine. If a similar defect was raised earlier, it is labeled “Duplicate.” If the defect is expected to be fixed in the next releases, it’s marked “Deferred.” Once assigned to the developer, the status becomes “In-Progress” during code fixing and later “Fixed” after completion. The tester re-tests, closing the defect if the test case passes or reopening it for further action if it fails. Closed defects may be reopened during subsequent releases.

11. Difference between defect, error, bug, failure, and fault:

A coding mistake is an error. If found by the tester, it becomes a defect. When accepted by the development team, it’s called a bug. If the build doesn’t meet requirements, it’s a failure.

12. Difference between Regression and Retesting:

Retesting ensures fixed code, while regression tests after code changes to avoid unexpected side effects.

13. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)?

An essential part of testing, RTM crosschecks whether test cases cover all requirement specifications. It maps and traces user requirements with test cases, ensuring comprehensive test coverage.

14. What is Bug Leakage?

Defects existing during testing but discovered later by QA manager/end-user are bug leakages.

15. What is Ad Hoc Testing?

Testing without a plan to ‘break’ the system is Ad Hoc testing. Performed randomly, it may include negative testing. Ad Hoc testing is executed when exhaustive testing is impractical.

Types of ad-hoc testing:

  • Buddy Testing: Two buddies work together on defect identification in the same module.
  • Pair testing: Two testers share ideas, working on the same machines to find defects.
  • Monkey Testing: Random testing on the system under test.

16. What is Functionality Testing?

Functionality testing is a subtest of functional testing, validating correctness and completeness of every functionality in the build. It checks core application functions, text input, menu functions, installation, and setup on localized machines.

Functional testing is mandatory in system testing, focusing on validating customer requirements. It consists of four subtests:

  • GUI coverage
  • Input domain coverage
  • Error handling coverage
  • Output coverage
  • Service coverage
  • Backend coverage

17. What are the various methodologies in the Agile Development Model?

There are seven agile methodologies: Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Lean Software Development, Feature-Driven Development, Agile Unified Process, Crystal, and Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM).

18. Which testing techniques are static, and which are dynamic?

Equivalence Partitioning and Use Case Testing are dynamic techniques, while Data Flow Analysis and Inspections are static.

19. Explain positive and negative testing.

Positive testing involves valid inputs expecting correct actions, while negative testing involves invalid inputs resulting in errors.

What are the boundary values for testing an input field with the year of birth between 1900 and 2004?

Boundary values are 1899, 1900, 2004, and 2005.

20. When should testing be stopped?

Testing can stop based on deadlines, depleted test budget, bug rate falling below a certain level, completed test cases with a specified percentage passed, or meeting code, functionality, or requirement coverage.

21. Define black box testing and name its techniques.

Black box testing checks software functionality without knowing internal code. Techniques include Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, and Cause-Effect Graphing.

22. Explain white box testing and list its types.

White box testing analyzes internal code structure. Types include Statement Coverage and Decision Coverage.

23. What is boundary value testing?

Boundary value testing checks conditions on, below, and above input and output equivalence class edges to test exact boundaries.

24. Define fault masking.

Fault masking occurs when one error condition hides another error condition.

25. Explain Equivalence Partitioning testing.

Equivalence Partitioning testing divides input test data into equivalent partitions, reducing testing time.

26. Define verification and validation.

Verification checks documents, design, and code without code execution, while validation involves executing the code to meet customer requirements and expectations.

What is the difference between verification and validation?

Verification is pre-execution, checking software conformity to specifications. Validation is post-execution, ensuring the software meets customer requirements and expectations.

27. What is the difference between UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and System testing?

System testing: System testing involves examining the entire system to find defects. It’s like checking the application from start to finish.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT involves running specific tests to determine if the product meets user needs. It assesses if the product is user-friendly.

28. Explain what is testing type and what are the commonly used testing types?

Testing types are various ways to check the software’s functionality.

Common types include:

⦁ Unit Testing: Testing the smallest part of an application’s code.

⦁ API Testing: Testing the API created for the application.

⦁ Integration Testing: Combining and testing individual software modules.

⦁ System Testing: Comprehensive testing of the entire system.

⦁ Install/Uninstall Testing: Testing from the client/customer perspective.

⦁ Agile Testing: Testing using Agile techniques.

29. In manual testing, what are stubs and drivers? Why do we use Stubs And Drivers?

Stubs and drivers are dummy modules used in integration testing. Stubs simulate lower-level modules, and drivers simulate higher-level modules. They ensure testing continues when some modules are under construction. For example, if the login module is ready and needs testing, but home and user modules are not, a stub simulates them in top-down integration testing.

30. Mention what are the different types of test coverage techniques?

Test coverage techniques include: ⦁ Statement Coverage: Ensures every line of code is executed. ⦁ Decision Coverage: Ensures every decision in the code is executed. ⦁ Path Coverage: Ensures every possible route through the code is executed.

31. Mention what is the difference between Pilot and Beta testing?

Pilot testing is done by a group of users before final deployment to find defects. Its purpose is to catch potential problems. Beta testing is done by end users before the final release when development and testing are essentially complete. Its purpose is to find final problems and defects.

32. What is the difference between Front End Testing and Back End testing?

Front-end testing involves the graphical user interface (GUI), while back-end testing involves databases. Front-end includes the website look, and users interact with it. Back-end is the database that stores data. When a user enters data in the front-end GUI, SQL queries are used to save this data in the database.

33. Mobile App Testing Important Test Scenarios.

Key scenarios for mobile app testing include:

⦁ Checking compatibility with multiple carriers and devices.

⦁ Usability of features on mobile screens.

⦁ Testing on different platforms like Android and iOS.

⦁ Installation, uninstallation, launching the app with and without network.

⦁ Testing network connections (Wi-Fi, 2G, etc.).

⦁ Debugging using logs in iOS iPhone configuration utility or Android Monitor.bat.

34. Explain stress testing, load testing, and volume testing?

⦁ Stress Testing: Tests the system’s behavior under elevated load.

⦁ Load Testing: Tests the application under heavy expected load.

⦁ Volume Testing: Checks if the system can handle the required data, user requests, etc.

35. What is the difference between build and release in software testing?

⦁ Build: A developed application given by the development team to the testing team.

⦁ Release: An official launch of the application for customers.

36. Define performance and stress testing.

Performance Testing: Performance Testing evaluates application performance under load and stress conditions, measuring response time for user activities. It tests the entire system’s performance under high loads and stress. Stress testing involves imposing heavy loads on the database, such as multiple users accessing data from the same table with a large number of records.

37. What are the typical problems in web testing?

Web testing can encounter various issues, including functionality, user interface, performance, database, OS compatibility, browser compatibility, security, load, and navigation problems.

38. Write the test scenarios for testing a website?

Test scenarios involve checking links, buttons, and forms on a webpage. Different test scenarios for forms include:

  1. Check the form with valid data in all fields.
  2. Check the form with invalid data violating field validations.
  3. Check the form by leaving some mandatory fields empty.
  4. Check the form with existing record details.

39. While testing a website, which configurations need consideration?

Considerations include hardware platform (Mac, Linux, Microsoft), browsers and their versions, browser plugins, monitor resolution, color depth, and text size.

40. What is the difference between authentication and authorization in web testing?

Authentication verifies the user’s identity, while authorization determines if a user can perform specific tasks after authentication. Authentication methods include password-based and device-based, while authorization has types like read-only and read-write.

41. Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

HTTP is a protocol for information exchange, while HTTPS combines HTTP with an encrypted SSL/TLS transport mechanism. HTTP uses port 80, HTTPS uses port 443, and HTTPS encrypts user page requests and returned pages.

42. What are XPath Axes?

XPath Axes are attributes in XPath that show the relationship to the current node, helping locate relative nodes in the DOM structure.

43. What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a threat where a web application collects malicious data from a user, often in the form of a hyperlink with embedded malicious content. This allows injecting malicious code into a webpage, potentially executing on the user’s computer.

44. What type of security testing have you performed?

Security testing involves attempting to breach the system. Common tests include trying different password combinations and checking for vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks.

45. What steps would you perform to secure a new web server?

Steps include minimizing rights, updating permissions, deleting default data and scripts, using a software firewall, enabling IIS logging, and regular backups.

46. What is usability testing in web testing?

Usability testing assesses how easily end-users can access an application. It evaluates learnability, memorability, and efficiency in terms of a person with no programming knowledge using the software to complete tasks.

47. What is the difference between web-based testing and Windows-based testing?

Web-based testing checks broken links, web performance, GUI, and text on pages. Windows-based testing focuses on functionality and integration.

48. What are common bugs in web testing?

Common bugs include navigation issues, usability problems, cosmetic and GUI issues, functional issues, and performance-related problems like load and stress issues.

49. What is the difference between desktop application testing and web testing?

Desktop application testing is standalone, while web testing involves client-server interactions, requiring tests like usability, GUI, load, and performance testing.

50. How would you explain QA, QC, and Software Testing?

Quality Assurance (QA): QA is like a well-thought-out plan to check if the way we’re making something is good. It keeps an eye on the results and tweaks the process to make sure it matches our expectations.

Quality Control (QC): QC focuses on how good the thing we made is. It hunts for problems and suggests ways to make it better. QC puts into action the plan made by QA, and it’s the tester’s job.

Software Testing is the process of making sure that the product created by the developer actually does what the user wants. Testing is like searching for mistakes and ensuring they are fixed.

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